Monday, November 25, 2019

Blog 7

I came across an article in The New York Times about how 2020 Democrats Unapologetically Support Abortion Rights. The Democratic presidential field has come together as a whole around abortion rights. More involved tan any past nominees have ever proposed according to a New York Times survey.
All Candidates know that by doing something to change or make the abortion rights better, can get them more votes in their pockets. Each one of them would do as much as to try to revoke the Hyde Amendment the Helms Amendment and also removing funding restrictions that provide abortion referrals. Also, all of them say that they will nominate only judges who support abortion rights. Something that Democrats have ignored.
The 2020 candidates are trying to focus more on reproductive issues other than the same topics like health care to taxes. Jacqueline Ayers, vice president for government relations and public policy at Planned Parenthood breaks it down and says that the candidates are not just saying "They're pro-choice" when asked about abortion rights but "being more specific about how the rights of a women are under attack and how access to abortion is being undermined in this country." They want to do everything in their power if they have that power to protect them.
Most states passing near-total bans on abortion, and with the first Supreme Court majority could or might overturn Roe v. Wade which most of the public are strongly supportive of. These rights are very important for women to have.
Most importantly, These 2020 candidtates want to know if the public are on their side. Unlike Trump's Title X rules, which restrict family planning funding for organizations within the United States. Trump has a lot of white, working-class voters that are not in favor of abortion. If Trump gets re-elected, he might want to band many of the rights that we have. These candidtates better work very hard to convince and promise the public that supports them to make these changes. Or esle, we are doomed.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Blog 6

I commented on my Colleague's Blog 5 on the topic on Immigration 

Well said. Very strong statement. I do agree with everything. I am not in favor on how Trump is running this country on full hate and fear. I knew once he was pronounced President, I was like "oh boy" here we go. His campaign like you mentioned was only focused on Immigration and how to get basically everyone out of here. This country supposedly was built on Freedom, the land of opportunities and with the removal DACA it doesn't feel like it. Not everyone is a "hardened criminal" as Trump twitted earlier today. Do we really have hope for the future of our children? I really hope so.