Media Matters had an article about how "Fox News have been spending months demonizing homelessness in California. Now Trump wants a major crackdown." Written by Courtney Hagle. It has been reported that President Trump wants to force homeless people into government facilities because he has cited "the state growing crisis" as justification.
California is the number one state to have the highest concentrations in homelessness in the United States. Fox News has always had a big focus on California and have aired many segments on the topic which caught the attention of President Trump. The Washington Post reported that Trump "has ordered a big sweep on homelessness in California." They are considering destroying tent camps and getting all the people into a government-backed facilities.
The complaint here is that Fox News have been pairing this issue with indictments of Democratic elected officials, "socialist," "liberal" policies of the Democrats. Basically dehumanizing homeless people.
This article caught my eye because I am from California and Homelessness has been an issue for many years and nothing really has changed. Maybe it is good thing that Trump is consiring doing this. It might help decrease health risks and violence.